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Tamara Houtveen Design
KvK: 55448984 (Dutch Chamber of Commerce)

First of all

Your privacy and the protection of your information are very important to me. To operate this site, I collect information about you. Tamara Houtveen Design wants you to understand what information is collected and why.

I use a number of services and plug-ins for the website. The information below is about which services I use and what I and the services do with the data.

No Google Analytics

I consciously choose not to use Google Analytics because I believe in anonymous Internet surfing. Why? I write my pages so that you as a user can browse through them in a pleasant way. To do this, I don’t need to monitor a user’s behavior in a program like Google Analytics. I can also do that by asking people personally to test a page for me. That way I don’t track your data.


At the bottom of the website you will find a footer containing a Mailchimp registration form. If you subscribe to my newsletter, your email address will be stored in Mailchimp so I can send you a newsletter. Would you like to unsubscribe? You will find an unsubscribe link at the bottom of each newsletter so you can unsubscribe yourself without any hassle. More information about the cookies Mailchimp uses can be found here.

Polylang translation app

On my website, I use the plugin called Polylang. Polylang uses a cookie to remember the language you select as a user, so that when you return to my website you will automatically be shown the correct language. This is a functional cookie.

If you email me

Are you sending me an e-mail? I only ask for your name and email address through the contact form on my website. The email service I use is Soverin, they are known for their privacy and do not track emails. I keep only the data necessary to complete an assignment or to properly handle your email. Would you like me to delete all such data? Then send me an email.


I make every effort to ensure that you can use my website safely. And I handle the emails you send me with care. You have the right to request inspection, correction or deletion of your data. Do you have some questions about this? Please contact me via email.

Version: March 2024